As a graphic designer, most of my influences are from nature, abstraction, and geometric shapes. This is similar to my skill set as a photographer as well. Most of the subject matters in my photography are usually spontaneous because I'm also influenced by finding the beauty of everyday objects and subject matters. So when I come across finding these subjects whether it's from exploring the outdoors, going for a walk, events, etc I have to take a picture of the subject at the moment. Also taking photographs of these subject matters at the moment is important. Capturing the moment of the subject at that time is important because you may not see this subject ever again.

The piece above is a photograph I took of a misty spring morning in the woods. As the sunrise was coming up above the hills through the woods I quickly to photographs to the moment. I enhanced some of the saturation and contrast to the photograph in Photoshop. This photograph was entered in the Photographer's Forum Annual Student Work Competition in 2016. This piece won the Honorable Mention award was published in the magazine that year.

The other two photographs above are I took of spontaneous moments that I captured in photography. The one the left is of a photograph I took at a veterans memorial near Kentucky Lake. I was so mesmerized by the movement of the flags through that windy day that I had to capture the beauty and moment. In Photoshop I wanted to make the photo black and white make the image more dramatic and nostalgic than in color. The second photo to the right is of a tree near my neighborhood on a fall day. As I got closer to the tree it looked like being underneath a spider. In Photoshop I played with saturation, vibrancy, hues, and contrast.

As I mentioned before, my influences on almost all my work are in nature, abstraction, and geometric shapes. I find these attributes in architecture as well. The left image above is of a church in Mexico that I took during my trip to Mexico to visit family in 2015. At the angle that I took the shot of the church was to show what is a traditional symbol and part of my family's culture in a different and modern view. The second image on the right is of a close-up shot of a simple flower that was taken during a hike through Shaw Nature Reserve. As you look closely at this simple flower, you see a lot of geometric shapes and textures that are so abstract and uniquely seen in architecture.